plnu athletic department

social media templates

Graphic Design, Typography, Social Media, Athletics

Digital: 5 vertical graphics, 1080px by 1920px,
6 horizontal graphics, 1600px by 900px


As the graphic design intern, design graphic templates for posts on the department’s Instagram and Twitter to announce gamedays, final scores, player awards, career achievements, player commitments, and the year’s game schedule. Create dynamic type, image, and hierarchy of message in a visually engaging way. Think about the viewer experience to inform all design choices.


To remain consistent with PLNU’s brand identity, I used the established brand colors and typefaces. I wanted the graphics to have a simple layout that allows for easy reading while catching the attention of viewers who pass it by at a glance. I created a strong visual hierarchy with varying text sizes and styling. The templates also had to be versatile and have enough negative space that they could be easily edited for various occasions without compromising readability

“[Logan’s] skills completely met every expectation we had and exceeded them as well. Her contribution has been valued immensely and will impact the department going forward with the templates she helped to create. She was always positive and professional, punctual, and very organized. I never had to ask her if she was going to send me a graphic. She always sent them in plenty of time and ahead of when I needed them.”

— TIM HEIDUK, Associate Athletic Director for Communications, Point Loma Sea Lions