cooper hewitt
women artists: textiles exhibition
Typography, Layout Design
8-page Newspaper Club Tabloid Newsprint, (289mm x 380mm)
Design a promotional print publication to help the Smithsonian’s Cooper Hewitt Museum promote a collection of your choice. Assess the message and research to inform your design direction. Use Adobe InDesign to create dynamic type, image, and message in a visually engaging way that is consistent with the museum’s brand. Use design principles with type, image, and a modular grid to arrange all elements.
This publication highlights the Cooper Hewitt Museum’s collection of textiles designed by Women Artists. I emulated the bright and bold colors found in many of the pieces in my typographic choices. I chose to highlight specific artists who have multiple pieces in the collection and individual pieces with unique imagery and distinctive colors. The typefaces and colored heading type-styling are consistent with the Cooper Hewitt’s brand.